Lilo & Stitch Fan Theories

It’s been a while since we did a fan theories episode so we decided it was about time. To be honest, Lilo & Stitch doesn’t seem to us like a very controversial movie, but the amount of fan theories out on the internet tells a different story. We go through some of the most popular theories that others have thought up and decide whether or not the theory holds up in our opinion. Follow along with us today and let us know your thoughts on these Lilo & Stitch fan theories!

You can download “Lilo & Stitch Fan Theories” on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play Music, or you can listen to it here.

Suprise! Disney World 2018!

Abby is busy finishing her last finals before her graduation, so Elliot joins Sarah this week for a special episode. September 2016 was our last trip to Disney World but it was the first time Elliot came with the Freeman family and the first time Elliot and Sarah went together. We reminisce on that trip today with some questions for Elliot and just some fun conversation about all the fun things that we did in 2016. Along with reminiscing we have a not so surprisng announcement that we are going to Disney World this year! As we have previously mentioned on prior episodes, the Freeman and Garner family is going to Disney World this December and we couldn’t be more excited! So on this episode Elliot and Sarah also talk about the things they are looking forward to for this year’s Disney World trip!

You can download “Surprise! Disney World 2018!” on iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play Music, or you can listen to it here.