Imagineering Lands at Disney World

Today, we are testing the waters of one of the coolest jobs out there: a Disney World Imagineer. These lucky people have the job of thinking up new and exciting things to add to the Disney World parks including attractions, restaurants, theming and more. We wanted to be creative and think of our own creative ideas for a new land in one of the Disney World Resort parks! Each of us has thought of a land that could be added somewhere in the Walt Disney Resort and have thought through everything from the name of the area to what character meet and greets would be available. We hope you enjoy our creations today! Please drop a comment if you have any ideas for a new land at one of the Disney Parks!

You can download “Imagineering Lands at Disney World” on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play Music, or you can listen to it here.


Planning a trip to Disney World this year? Check out this guide to the Wonderful World of Walt Disney, specifically tailored for 2018!

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