Disneyland Paris!

That’s right! This week we’re talking about Disneyland Paris! Abby is actually in Paris today so we decided it was the perfect week to bring up the European version of our favorite vacation activity! We discuss some of the history, facts and secrets that involve Disneyland Paris.  So we hope you enjoy and, as always, if we missed an important fact you want everyone to know or if you have questions regarding our show, shoot us a message on our Facebook page or our email, bippityboppitymagichour@gmail.com!

You can download “Disneyland Paris!” on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play Music, or you can listen to it here.

Abby is in England!

That’s right! One half of our show is not at home in St. Louis! But we have managed to produce a new episode this week (and plan on continuing to release new episodes) while she is across the pond.  This week we decided to catch up on news since we weren’t able to record last week due to Abby adjusting in her new life in England.  Abby also talks about what it’s like being at Oxford! Recording through Skype was a bit of an experiment, so please be patient with us while we figure out the logistics of keeping a podcast while living in different countries!

You can download “Abby is in England!” on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play Music, or you can listen to it here.

Attraction Spotlight: The Haunted Mansion

There’s always room for one more at the Haunted Mansion! We’re getting ready for Halloween this week with an attraction spotlight on one of the most popular attractions at any of the Disney parks.  We share the history, facts, and some secrets of the spooky Haunted Mansion. Let us know if we missed anything or if you would like to share what your favorite thing about the Haunted Mansion is!

You can download “Attraction Spotlight: The Haunted Mansion” on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play Music, or you can listen to it here.

MASH: Disney Edition

This week we took it easy as Abby was preparing her voyage overseas to England for the semester.  We took the classic road trip game, MASH, and mixed a whole bunch of Disney in it.  We hope you enjoy our imaginary lives as we play this game.  Hopefully it provides you fellow Disney World lovers with a way to entertain yourselves when you’re road-tripping to Disney World or even just traveling in general!

You can download “MASH: Disney Edition” on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play Music, or you can listen to it here.